Trioedd y Deryn

Bardic verse, in English, by Gruffydd Hirwallt.

This chapbook, printed on a letterpress in 2000, uses my bardic name, Gruffydd Hirwallt. It is a collection of triads using ancient Welsh poetic forms. The book was handset in 12 point Caslon Old Style type. The 12 pages were printed on an antique Chandler & Price 10 x 15 in Kenmore, Washington. Exquisite hand carved borders and three original linoleum block illustrations were printed in color on an 1888 Golding Pearl at East Point in North Idaho. This is one of my most popular books.

Juvenile Crow a Begging
Unglamorous, clamorous call – young crow!
Crown the air with all your gall;
Raucously bark, beg and bawl!


Letterpress Edition: $20

(in-person only)