Rachel Carson: A Poetic Biography

This chapbook, printed on a letterpress in 2019, contains original poems about pioneer environmentalist Rachel Carson. Set in 10 point 20th Century Bold type and printed in two colors on an 1888 Golding Pearl press and a 1911 Chandler & Price 10x15 press, Rachel Carson: A Poetic Biography contains 20 pages and is illustrated with four original linoleum block prints.

Tide Pool Rule

When the children brought Rachel creatures
From the rocky Southport shore
Their Jars of tiny tipe pool features
Added up to so much more.

She called everything by the proper name;
Kids and invertebrates too.
She warmed with her knowledge, like a flame,
And we knew her facts were true.

And all the kids agree upon this;
She'd end each low tide talk: "Run!
Every creature has a place to miss.
Put it back before you're done."


Letterpress Edition: $20

(in-person only)