Water Songs

Poetry by Griffith H. Williams.

This chapbook, printed on a letterpress in 2002, contains an anthology of original poetry exploring the many metaphors of water. You may have had a chemistry teacher describe water as the universal solvent. From a poetic point of view I find that water is the universal metaphor! Water Songs was handset in 12 point Caslon Old Style type and printed on an antique Chandler & Price 10 x 15 in Kenmore, Washington. This chapbook contains 20 pages and is illustrated with three original linoleum block prints. Exquisite borders set off each page, making Water Songs one of my most beautiful and popular books.

Mother’s Pride

They said “Her water broke,” but it was mine
All of those long years ago at my birth.
A gushing flood was the very first sign.
I knew the sea and moon, not the earth.

All of those long years ago at my birth
The salt and the surge measured out my world.
I knew the sea and the moon, not the earth.
And then onto this dry land I was hurled!

The salt and the surge measured out my world
Until a waxing moon called the spring tide.
And then onto this dry land I was hurled!
An old sailor was a young mother’s pride.

A gushing flood was the very first sign.
They said “Her water broke,” but it was mine.


Limited Letterpress Edition: $20

(in-person only)